Namur is preparing to take on a major challenge: becoming European Capital of Culture in 2030. To achieve this ambitious goal, we need your support! As citizens, associations or businesses, your participation is essential to show the world the vitality and cultural richness of our beautiful region. And it can be done in less than two minutes by filling in a simple form.

Namur is a region rich in history, cultural diversity and innovation. From its renowned festivals to its local artistic initiatives, Namur is a veritable melting pot of creativity and cultural dynamism. Becoming European Capital of Culture in 2030 would be recognition of our commitment to culture and a tremendous springboard for the future of our city and its region.

We have set up a support form to gather your ideas, testimonials and support for Namur’s bid. In just a few minutes, you can make a big difference by making your contribution to this bid. Your vote counts!

👉 Fill in the support form now 👈

Why fill in this form?

  • Express your support: show that you believe in Namur’s ability to become a cultural beacon in Europe.
  • Share your ideas: your suggestions and ideas are invaluable in enriching our application.
  • Contribute to a collective project: take part in an adventure that involves an entire city and beyond.
  • Influence the future: your support can make a difference and help Namur stand out in the eyes of the European jury.

Namur’s bid to become European Capital of Culture in 2030 is more than just a cultural project; it’s an initiative that brings our community together and unites it. Whether you’re an artist, teacher, entrepreneur, student or simply a lover of our city, your voice is essential if Namur’s bid is to be heard loud and clear.

Together, we can show that Namur is ready to rise to this challenge and become a cultural capital worthy of the name. So don’t wait any longer! Don’t hesitate to share this form with your friends, family and networks. The more people who support this bid, the greater our chances of success. Every support counts, and your commitment can make all the difference!